something sweet (2025)
for orchestra, 6’
this work was written for the University of Michigan Philharmonia Orchestra and completed in January 2025
Scored for 2222/4331/2perc/pho/hp/str
I wrote this piece with a particular memory I had with my grandmother Mary, who I had been thinking about a lot over the nine months I wrote this piece. She was the first person who introduce me to coffee, which I love a lot now. After always being refused the drink by my mom, I remember jump at the opportunity to have it, which, oddly, resulted in me completed knocked out on her living room floor. In every cup of coffee I have to this day, I think about her. The title "something sweet" refers to coffee, this piece is about, but in particular to my grandmother who was also someone incredibly sweet, kind, and supportive.
February 13, 2025, University of Michigan Philharmonia Orchestra, Kendra Chao, Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor, MI
[recording coming soon]