the dark paradise (2021)
sonata for solo clarinet, 9’
completed in November 2021
This piece was constructed based on the drawing above created by my classmate. In the foreground, there is a river surrounded by grass and trees with birds singing on top. The background is much more ambiguous. The yellow circle is taken as a moon while the dark sky emcompasses it. The scene clearly takes place at night. Although this analysis is simple, there is more to be taken from the picture. The color of the sky changes this picture entirely. Nighttime can be easily depicted use a dark blue, but this sky is a very dark purple, close to pitch black. The word I chose to describe the sky is "apocalyptic". In the second movement, my attention turns to the birds. Their large beaks reminds me of ravens which would be very fitting for this setting. Ravens often symbolize disaster. The ravens' wide beaks make it look like they are singing. In the final movement., The shrieks of the people become much more frightened as they fear the end is coming. Everyone waits in anticipation to see what will become of them. In the end, disaster finally strikes.
Selected Work, Big Black Blotch Call for Scores
June 2024, Berginald Rash, Dublin International Chamber Music Festival, Dublin, Ireland
October 22, 2022, Sarah Manasreh, International Clarinet Association New Music Weekend, Virtual
May 13, 2022, Sarah Manasreh, Stevens Point, WI
April 15, 2022, Freda Hogan, Kemp Recital Hall, Normal, IL