introvert language (2024)

for viola and piano, 8’

written for the 2024 Suncoast Composer Fellowship Program and completed in August 2024.

For as long as I can remember, I've been a homebody and an introvert. I enjoy quiet spaces, delicate and far away sounds, and peace. On the other hand, the rest of my friends and family are very outgoing and talkative people which created a strong conflict in many social situations. Many people struggled with my unwillingness to talk or be around them and enjoy invading onto my piece to either get that attention or discover why I choose to abstain from them. "introvert language" discusses this desire for peace, quiet, and protection. While the viola strives to enjoy sustain and soloistic moments, they are often intruded on by the piano, leading to many confrontations between the two.

August 23, 2024, Jeremy Keinbaum, Baron Fenwick, St. Boniface Episcopal Church, Sarasota, FL

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shouting something vulgar (2024)


gossip, whispers, and other drama (2024)